ISP 传感器集成指南


This document provides steps to add a new sensor driver to the SL1680. The sensor driver shall be implemented as per Application Programming Interface (API) of the Verisilicon ISP Independent Sensor Interface (ISI) framework. For more details, refer to ISI documentation.


Adding a new sensor includes creating necessary directories, adding source and header files, configuring CMake, and updating configuration files. This requires modifying the synasdk-v4l2isp-sensordrv and linux-syna packages using devtool :

devtool modify synasdk-v4l2isp-sensordrv
devtool modify linux-syna

Step 1: Create a new directory for the sensor

Create the new sensor directory with folder structure as shown below. Implementation follows the guideline provided by ISI documentation


Step 2: Add new sensor to list

In build-sl1680/workspace/sources/synasdk-v4l2isp-sensordrv/sensor_drv.c , include the extern declaration for the new sensor and add the sensor to the driver list.

../../_images/ISPIntegration-sensor_integration_2.png ../../_images/ISPIntegration-sensor_integration_3.png

Step 3: Add new sensor to compilation

Append the new sensor to ‘SENSOR_DRV_LIST’ in build-sl1680/workspace/sources/synasdk-v4l2isp-sensordrv/sensor_drv_config.cmake


Step 4: Edit kernel DTS file

Edit build-sl1680/workspace/sources/linux-syna/arch/arm64/boot/dts/synaptics/dolphin-rdk.dts to configure sensor related enable/reset GPIOs.


Step 5: Edit runtime configuration

Edit meta-synaptics/recipes-devtools/synasdk/files/ with sensor name, calibration and tuning JSON files, I2C Bus ID, MIPI index (0/1) and mode (resolution index) selecting required configuration from the list defined in the sensor driver file.


Step 6: Build new image containing these modifications

devtool build synasdk-v4l2isp-sensordrv
devtool build linux-syna
devtool build-image astra-media