Uboot Fastlogo 定制用户指南
The scope of the document is to provide detailed steps to customize Uboot Fastlogo for SL16xx display interfaces.
Astra 开发套件显示功能
Syna Uboot video driver is supported for the SL16xx Astra platforms.
SL1680: Supports Dual Fastlogo Display (HDMI and MIPI-DSI)
SL1640: Supports Single Fastlogo (Either HDMI or MIPI-DSI)
SL1620: Supports Dual Fastlogo (TFT and MIPI-DSI)
SYNA Uboot Fastlogo 配置
Uboot video driver and panel configurations are handled through defconfig, dts and header files.
基于 defconfig 的配置
Uboot defconfig for each platform is given below:
Following configurations are enabled in defconfig:
Video driver
Panel name
基于 dts 的配置
dts files of each platform given below:
Following device configurations are handled through dts files:
Generic Display configuration
MIPI-DSI Panel configuration
LCDC panel configuration
SL16XX 的 dts 配置模板如下
SL1640 和 SL1680 的 dts
&vpp_fb {
Generic Display configuration
MIPI-DSI Panel configuration
SL1620 的 dts
&lcdc_fb {
MIPI-DSI Panel configuration
LCDC panel specific configuration
For SL1640 or SL1680, the default display type on bootup need be specified.
Below are the parameters which need be configured for the display.
disp-mode : Specifies the display mode. Whether it is single display/ dual display.
disp1-res-id : Resolution Id corresponding to a timing information.
More information on the timing and resolution id are available in below file.
disp1-type : Type of the Display1 whether it is HDMI or MIPI-DSI.
disp2-res-id : Resolution Id corresponding to the timing information. In case of dual Display, display2 must be MIPI-DSI and resolution id is fixed to 102.
disp2-type : Type of the Display2.
SL1640 / SL1680 的单/双显配置
Default configuration for SL1640 and SL1680 given as below.
SL1640 - Single Display mode – HDMI only.
SL1680 - Dual Display mode – HDMI + MIPI-DSI
Display mode can be changed in dts. Single Display mode is applicable for both SL1640 and SL1680.
Below is an example for Single display mode.
单显: HDMI 显示模式
&vpp_fb {
disp-mode = <0>;
disp1-res-id = <24>;
单显模式: MIPI-DSI 显示模式
&vpp_fb {
disp-mode = <1>;
disp1-res-id = <102>;
SL1680 的双显配置
双显模式 (HDMI 为主 + MIPI-DSI 为辅)
&vpp_fb {
disp-mode = <2>;
disp1-res-id = <24>;
disp2-res-id = <102>;
is fixed to 102 where it takes the custom timing provided in the dts.
SL1620 的显示配置
Default display configuration for SL1620 is Dual – TFT + MIPI-DSI.
node and dsi_panel
nodes in dts
decide the number of displays.
MIPI-DSI 面板的配置参数
Lanes - Number of Data lanes
Data_Lane_Polarity - Polarity of the Data Lane
Clk_Lane_Polarity - Polarity of the clock lane
virtual_chan - virtual channel number
Vid_mode - Video mode. Supported video mode are:
0 - non-burst mode + sync pulse
1 - non-burst mode + sync event
2 - Burst mode
non-Continuous_clk - 0 for continuous and 1 for non-continuous clock configuration
Byte_clk - Byte clock rate. Calculated as Total Bandwidth / (Lanes * 8)
Recv_ack - Receive acknowledgement.
Color_format - Color coding output format
RGB888 - 5
Loosely_18 - Loosely 18 packed
Data_Polarity – Data enable signal. Assertion indicates valid pixel. 0 – Positive & 1 - negative
H_polarity - Horizontal polarity active low/High
V_Polarity - Vertical polarity
Eotp_rx - EOTP Reception support enable/disable.
Eotp_tx - EOTP Transmission enable/disable.
HTOTAL – Total number of pixels in a line.
Chunks - Number of Chunks in case of multiple chunk transmission otherwise ‘1’ for single.
Null_Pkt - Size of the null packet.
dpi_lp_cmd - Enable DPI low power command.
ACTIVE_WIDTH - Active width of the Panel
ACTIVE_HEIGHT - Active height of the panel
HFP - Horizontal Front porch
HSYNCWIDTH - Horizontal sync width
HBP - Horizontal Back porch
VFP - vertical Front porch
VSYNCWIDTH - Vertical sync width
VBP - Vertical Back porch
TYPE - ‘0’ for SD, ‘1’ for Full HD ‘2’ for UHD
SCAN - ‘1’ for Progressive, ‘0’ for Interlaced
FRAME_RATE - Frame rate, ENUMs mentioned as below.
FRAME_RATE_23P98 = 0
FRAME_RATE_29P97 = 3
FRAME_RATE_47P96 = 5
FRAME_RATE_59P94 = 8
FRAME_RATE_100 = 10
FRAME_RATE_119P88 = 11
FRAME_RATE_120 = 12
FRAME_RATE_89P91 = 13
FRAME_RATE_90 = 14
FLAG_3D – Disabled always.
FREQ - Pixel clock frequency for primary display in KHz. Pixel frequency is calculated as
For instance, for 1080P60Hz standard resolution, HTOTAL – 2200, VTOTAL – 1125 FREQ = (2200 * 1125 * 60)/1000
PTS_PER_4 - PTS for every four count Which is nothing but PTS/4. For instance:
Crystal frequency is 90kHz and frame rate is 60fps, then
PTS_PER_4 = (4*90*1000)/60 = 6000
PIXEL_CLOCK - Pixel clock frequency for Secondary display in KHz. Make it same as FREQ.
mipirst-gpio - Reset Gpio for the MIPI.
power-supply - External power supply control.
backlight - External backlight control.
These parameters are mandatory for SL1640/SL1680 and optional for SL1620.
VB_MIN - Minimum vertical blanking for the Display TG
HB_MIN - Minimum Horizontal blanking for the Display TG
V_OFF - Vertical offset for the Display TG.
H_OFF - Horizontal offset for the Display TG.
HB_VOP_OFF - Horizontal VOP offset for the Display TG.
VB_VOP_OFF - Vertical VOP offset for the Display TG
HB_BE - Horizontal Blanking Back Edge for the Display TG.
VB_BE - Vertical Blanking Back Edge for the Display TG.
HB_FP - Horizontal Blanking Front porch for the Display TG.
VB_FP - Vertical Blanking Front porch for the Display TG.
MIPI DSI面板的参考配置条目
Below is default entry for the MIPI-DSI in dts.
This serves as a reference for a panel with resolution 800x1280 and HTotal = 952, VTOTAL = 1312.
Refer the parameters above for further information on the panel.
&vpp_fb {
dsi_panel {
status= "okay";
/* Reset PIN configuration for the MIPI-DSI if available in the
platform */
mipirst-gpio = <&expander0 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
NO_OF_RESID = <1>;
DSI_RES = <102>;
HFP = <60>;
HBP = <60>;
VFP = <16>;
VBP = <14>;
TYPE = <1>;
SCAN = <0>;
FLAG_3D = <0>;
FREQ = <75000>;
PTS_PER_4 = <6000>;
bits_per_pixel = <24>;
busformat = <0>;
HTOTAL = <952>;
Lanes = /bits/ 8 <4>;
Vid_mode = /bits/ 8 <2>;
virtual_chan = /bits/ 8 <0>;
Clk_Lane_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <0>;
Data_Lane_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <0>;
Recv_ack = /bits/ 8 <0>;
Loosely_18 = /bits/ 8 <0>;
H_polarity = /bits/ 8 <1>;
V_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <1>;
Data_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <1>;
Eotp_tx = /bits/ 8 <1>;
Eotp_rx = /bits/ 8 <0>;
non-Continuous_clk = /bits/ 8 <1>;
dpi_lp_cmd = /bits/ 8 <1>;
Color_coding = /bits/ 8 <5>;
Chunks = <0>;
Null_Pkt = <0>;
Byte_clk = <56250>;
VB_MIN = /bits/ 8 <6>;
HB_MIN = /bits/ 8 <30>;
V_OFF = /bits/ 8 <6>;
H_OFF = /bits/ 8 <20>;
HB_VOP_OFF = /bits/ 8 <8>;
VB_VOP_OFF = /bits/ 8 <3>;
HB_BE = /bits/ 8 <7>;
VB_BE = /bits/ 8 <2>;
VB_FP = /bits/ 8 <2>;
HB_FP = /bits/ 8 <10>;
PIXEL_CLOCK = <75000>;
MIPI-DSI 面板的命令
Panel Initialization Commands are added in panel_cfg.h. Command format is as given below
Format - <CMD> <Payloadlength-n> <BYTE1> <...> <BYTEn>
Long write Ex: 39 04 FF 98 81 03 CMD => 0x39 Length => 0x04 Data/Payload => FF 98 81 03
Incase a delay need be added, refer below:
Delay in microseconds Command format: 0xFF <4BYTE delay> FF A0 86 01 00 (Command for 100ms Delay (100000us => 0x000186A0))
For ex: Haier MIPI-DSI panel header file is located in
Incase of new panel support, it can be under panel/<panel_name>/panel_cfg.h
To select panel, name of the panel (folder in which the panel_cfg.h is available)
should be specified in configs/<platform>*_defconfig
For ex: If haier panel has to be chosen in SL1620: Below line should be added to myna2_suboot_defconfig
海尔 800x1280 面板的参考配置 panel_cfg.h:
UINT8 panel_commands[] = {
0x39, 0x04, 0xFF, 0x98, 0x81, 0x03,
0x15, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00,
0x15, 0x02, 0x02, 0x00,
0x15, 0x02, 0x03, 0x73,
0x15, 0x02, 0x04, 0xD7,